Franchise Annual Conventions now Hybrid Experiences

Creating engagement during any event can be challenging. Whether you are a featured speaker, exhibitor, or a panel guest, everyone has different techniques to draw in their audience. When it comes to hybrid event experiences for franchisees, engagement may look different but it will come with many more opportunities for everyone to stay connected.

JUNO creates a complete hybrid event experience for franchise systems and offers a  seamless tool for  franchisees to connect and share best practices or resource answers to day to day challenges.  The focused groups and topics make it easy for franchisees to connect with other franchisees in your system.  Consider cohorts segmented by geography, length of time in the system, multi-unit vs. single unit, committee memberships, peer groups, or topic discussions.  The ways to connect your franchisees with colleagues are infinite.

Virtual Comes First

In today’s business environment, virtual comes first. Regardless of the type of event, whether it's your annual event, regional meetings, product updates, committee meetings, peer group events, or simply providing a virtual space for your franchisees to connect and network, having a virtual option is key to moving key discussions forward. In person is not always possible and rather than miss that opportunity for franchisees to share experiences and learning, a virtual setting allows franchise systems to keep franchisees engaged.

One of the most frequent questions asked by franchisors is how to keep the engagement and learning alive after a WOW! Franchise Event experience. With JUNO’ single destination platform, your entire franchise system can connect every day whether they are attending a virtual event, accessing the learning library for your brand, or connecting peer to peer.

Digital Transformation

JUNO’s team offers complete product support and  works with your team to build a seamless single destination experience, tailored to your system’s culture, learning objectives and desired investment level.  The customized platform is a must have for your tech stack as your brand positions itself for the future.

In this new world, franchisees expect the option of attending franchise conventions and meetings in person or virtually.  And with JUNO, they won’t miss out on important information and networking because the choose to attend from home.

Best practices in today’s event sector suggest targeting virtual attendees first and creating an exciting environment for participants to engage … with each other, with leadership, with supplier partners, or with presenters.  By fostering a dynamic virtual channel of communication, community, and engagement throughout the year, franchise brands will boost virtual attendance during their hybrid convention.. And even more effective is creating an opportunity for both the virtual and live audiences to interact and engage together - JUNO does this now!